I even found out I could get a job as a woman. I applied for a bookkeeping-secretary job in a one girl office for a small retail store. Yes, after taking a typing test I landed it. After all that effort I turned it down why? - the salary was only half what my brother earns doing a great portion of the same things. Sure, he has a glorified title of Accountant, but he still pushes figures around with a pencil and types his own letters.
Now I have been offered the opportunity of surgery if I want it, but am I jumping at the chance. No. I promptly turned it down. Surgery will not remove my facial and body hair. Surgery will not change the pitch of my voice. Surgery will not enlarge my hips or narrow my waist. Yes, surgery would enlarge my busts but thanks to foam rubber and a well fitting foundation garment, I have a 38- 28-38 figure so why spend $10,000 when I can do the same thing for $25.00. Electrolysis can cure the hair problem for less than $1,000 and voice instruction will help with acquiring a better modulated slow talking soft spoken voice. Pitch in a voice is not the all impor- tant thing. I used to think that were I made a female I would be able to say to the world, I am a female. I have a right to wear skirts. Now what are you going to do about it. Ah! but that is shallow think- ing. If you are to be truly a woman you must earn the right by practicing, practicing practicing. You must learn how to use cos- metics wisely, how to walk and sit properly, how to swing your arms and hold your hands correctly and select the right clothes and color. You will need good voice modulation, yes, and even a different language of expression. Just about everything you do needs some modification if you are to show the public that you are a woman. Then who is there to question you. You need no proof. You radiate the proof as a result of practice and gaining of confidence that is needed. No, surgery will do none of these things for you. Remember a woman has been practicing being just that 24 hours a day for all the years of her life. Who are you to think that a knife can do it overnight.
No, surgery is not for me although I enjoy being a woman and am one almost all the time except when working. In closing I am a male and my brother enjoys an occasional date. It is still fun to wine, dine and entertain a woman. They are, you know, the most wonderful mysterious creatures put on God's great wide world, otherwise why would we want to also be one.
Myrtle Ann 36-M-1